Acceptability And Feasibility Of Implementing Thermal Ablation As A Preventive Cervical Cancer Treatment And The Comparison Of Treatment Outcome With Cryotherapy In Zimbabwe
Thermal ablation, a technique that destroys precancerous cervical cells by extreme heat or cold, is predominantly used as a preventive cervical cancer treatment modality in high-income countries. Compared to other treatment methods, thermal ablation has numerous advantages in its portability, minimal electricity use, and comparable treatment rates, which makes it convenient for use in low—and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Personalized Care for All: PSH's Mission to Leave No One Behind in SRH/HIV Care!
Women with disabilities continue to face numerous barriers to accessing SRH/HIV care, including inadequate facilities and negative attitudes from the medical staff. To tackle this issue, PSH, with support from PEPFAR through USAID, is teaming up with the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) to offer comprehensive, person-centred services. Their goal is to ensure that people who are often overlooked, such as those with disabilities, are included.
Engaging hard-to-reach areas for better HIV Outcomes!
The spread of HIV can be significantly slowed down when all segments of the population have access to prevention methods, regular testing, and treatment. Engaging hard-to-reach groups is crucial in reducing health inequalities and in controlling and sustaining efforts against the HIV epidemic.
Population Solutions for Health Calls for Increased Domestic Support for Condom Procurement on International Condom Day
As we observe this day, we want to emphasise the shortage of domestic funding for condom procurement and call for removal of import duty and VAT for condoms
Advancing Girls’ Reproductive Health Rights Through Self-Care Innovations!
There has been a growing interest in self-care – we see particularly in the health care system how it is advancing reproductive and menstrual health rights for the girl child. That’s why this International Day of the Girl Child we are exploring the potential of improving autonomy and empowerment through self-care health interventions.
For Better VMMC Outcomes, Post-operation Self-care Works!
Workforce Application (WFA), a self-care smartphone application allows clients to self-care post-VMMC procedure through zero-rated text or WhatsApp. Providers can now focus on clients reporting concerns or seeking in-person reviews, reducing the work burden and lowering costs associated with in-person follow-ups.
Bringing Care Into The Hands Of The Users: Closing Cervical Cancer Screening Coverage Gap Through HPV DNA Self-Sample Collection
HPV DNA sample collection is certainly a game-changer in the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer. PSI through implementing partner PSH are offering an alternative screening choice and extending access to underserved communities to eradicate cervical cancer and lower the overall mortality rate.
Capacitating Local Leadership to Fight Child Marriages, Mashonaland West Chiefs Pledge to ‘Give Her A Chance’
More than twenty chiefs, from seven districts in Mashonaland West Province vowed to fight child marriages in their communities, giving young girls a lifeline to reach their full potential. The Chiefs made the pledge in Chinhoyi during a two-day Chiefs Anti–Child Marriages Indaba under the campaign theme; “Give Me a Chance, I am a Child, not a Wife held from 3 – 4 April 2023.
B-OK Bead Bottles: HIV Treatment Simplified
The bead bottles have been a game changer in reshaping the attitudes and perceptions of people living with HIV and the broader community towards HIV treatment by amplifying the concept of U=U (undetectable equals untransmittable). This concept conveys that a virally suppressed person with an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV to their partner.
Giving Adolescent Girls & Young Women urgency, choice & control to protect themselves against HIV infection. Is Dapivirine Vaginal Ring the Game Changer?
Imagine having to go to a discreet place or looking over your shoulder every time you must take oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for fear of stigmatization, being labelled as promiscuous, or experiencing abuse from your intimate partner. These are some of the challenges AGYW face daily as they try to take oral PrEP for the prevention of HIV infection.
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Transforming Community-Based Organizations for the Future!
Through Going the Last Mile Program, a USAID funded program, Population Services International (PSI) and Population Solutions for Health (PSH) is supporting community-based organizations (CBO’s) to strengthen their organizational capacity so that they may graduate to receive direct funding from PEPFAR and other funders.
An Ode to Thembeni Fazo
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Thembeni Fazo. Thembeni will forever be remembered by the Population Services International and Population Solutions for Health family, and the HIV Treatment and Care community at large for championing PSI’s Anti-Stigma Campaign; "Don't be negative about being positive" in 2006.
Lived Painful Experience of Child Marriage: Melody Gatakata’s Story!
Married off at 15 years in 2011, Melody Gatakata is one of the many girls in our communities enduring the pains of child marriage. This is her lived reality and that of many other girls across the country married off at an early age. But how can one call a 15-year-old, WIFE?
#GiveHerAChance, Maud Chifamba's Story!
Delaying marriage until the girl child is 18 years of age Gives Her a Chance to reach her full potential. This is the story of Maud Chifamba. Born in Chegutu Hunters' resettlements, to a less privileged family, Maud defied adversities and hardships with her rare scholastic excellence and broke academic records at an early age.
I Can Be More: Give Me A Chance, I am A Child not a Wife
Population Solutions for Health and PSI with funding from the Swedish Embassy successfully launched, the “Give Me A Chance/Ndipeiwo Mukana/Nginikani iThuba; I am A Child, Not A Wife” campaign against child marriages on 30 November 2022.
Living Digital – Strengthening Consumer-Powered Healthcare in Zimbabwe
There is no denying that consumers are becoming digital natives. For more than two decades Population Services International Zimbabwe (PSI), now Population Solutions for Health (PSH) has been strengthening healthcare in Zimbabwe towards a new future.
Mutare New Start Centre Awarded a USAID Accolade for Environmental Compliance
Mutare New Start Centre has been recognized for a robust environmental compliance with an outstanding rating from USAID Zimbabwe. A Certificate for such recognition is awarded to health facilities for their distinguished service and commitment to Environmental Compliance and environmental sound design and management under the Going the Last Mile project implementation.
Love Shouldn’t Hurt Campaign Exhibition Launched in Bulawayo
The Love Shouldn’t Hurt campaign movement which aims to engage men in dialogue on the negative impact of gender-based violence, offer men open and safe platforms to discuss the triggers of violence and thereafter develop shared resolutions on how to end violence in their relationships continues to grow.
Population Solutions for Health Urges Adolescent Girls To Take Up STEM Subjects
Population Solutions for Health (PSH), has encouraged young adolescent girls to take up Science, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) subjects to secure a better future for themselves.
‘Guy Talks’ dialogue unites men against Gender-Based Violence
Dubbed ‘Guy Talks’, these gatherings provide a safe space for men to discuss the triggers of violence against women, and how they can assist each other to resolve conflict in a positive manner.