Love Shouldn’t Hurt Campaign Exhibition Launched in Bulawayo

The Love Shouldn’t Hurt campaign movement which aims to engage men in dialogue on the negative impact of gender-based violence, offer men open and safe platforms to discuss the triggers of violence and thereafter develop shared resolutions on how to end violence in their relationships continues to grow. On Thursday, May 5, 2022, the Swedish Embassy in partnership with Population Services International (PSI) through Population Solutions for Health (PSH) launched an exhibition of the campaign at the National Art Gallery in Bulawayo which will run until July 31 2022. The exhibition highlights the campaign including new anti-GBV celebrities from Bulawayo joining the movement. Among the celebrities endorsing the Love Shouldn’t Hurt movement are musical artists; Madlela Skhobokhobo, Babongile Sibanda, Hwabaraty Masuku and Sandra Ndebele, renowned soccer star; Nqobizitha Masuku, and radio presenter & musician; Babongile Skhonjwa.
Part of the launch included a Global Guy Talk dialogue, which had a panel consisting of church leaders, community leaders, celebrities, university representatives and high school pupils, as well as a participating audience consisting of men from various walks of life.
Speaking during the campaign exhibition launch, the Swedish Ambassador Åsa Pehrson said GBV, and gender equality should not only be a women issue but involves men and young boys.
“If we don’t involve and engage men on discussions about gender-based violence and gender equality, then we are missing out as we are never going to achieve our goal. So, we need to be inclusive of both women and men,” said Ambassador Pehrson.

Executive Director & Managing Trustee for Population Solutions for Health (PSH), Dr Noah Taruberekera, said research shows that one in two women report ever having experienced GBV in Zimbabwe and the organisation through support from the Swedish Embassy is tackling the issue through this campaign.
“This campaign is challenging norms and attitudes around GBV to bring both women and men around the table to begin to be real about this issue,” said Dr Taruberekera.

#LoveShouldntHurtzw # RudoHarurove #UthandoKaluhlukumezi
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