A view of the Mutare Start Centre

Mutare New Start Centre has been recognized for a robust environmental compliance with an outstanding rating from USAID Zimbabwe. A Certificate for such recognition is awarded to for their distinguished service and commitment to Environmental Compliance and environmental sound design and management under the Going the Last Mile project implementation.

Simply put, environmental compliance entails doing the right thing and meeting legally mandated environmental standards. Every facility’s daily operation must be environmentally friendly, and Mutare New Start Centre has placed an infection prevention and control (IPC) focal person to oversee the Last Mile for HIV Control program’s environmental mitigation and compliance procedures.

The A-team all smiles posing with the certificate of recognition

With support from PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) via USAID (United States Agency for International Development), Population Services International (PSI) is serving as the primary beneficiary of the program supported by Population Solutions for Health (PSH). The Last Mile program seeks to maintain and accelerate the HIV response for epidemic control in Zimbabwe by providing person-centered HIV biomedical prevention solutions to key populations such as adolescent girls and young women, men, and boys.

Mutare New Start Centre is one of the six New Start Centre clinics designed to deliver an integrated HIV/SRHR clinical package and demonstrate innovative service delivery approaches and technologies under the Last Mile program.

In partnership with Family AIDS Caring Trust (FACT), Going the Last Mile program provides comprehensive HIV/SRHR services and COVID-19 vaccination from Mutare New Start Centre and on outreach in communities around Mutare city through multi-disciplinary teams comprising clinicians and lay providers.

Together with FACT, Population Solutions for Health and PSI are honored, and this achievement is confirmation that the Going the Last Mile program is highly committed to achieving and adhering to the highest standards of environmental compliance and for environmentally sound design and management in the implementation of its programs across the country to ensure no harm to people or the environment in the implementation of all program activities.